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Quick Start Level 1 Class - 4.5 Days

Introduction to Automatic Doors

Introducing our Quick Start Level 1 Classes - the perfect foundation for anyone new to the automatic door industry. Our comprehensive curriculum covers basic electronics, sensors, controls, and motor/gearbox, as well as the ANSI 156.10/19 Safety Standards.

You'll learn valuable troubleshooting tips, how to isolate the system, and receive hands-on and problem simulation on actual test doors, allowing for classroom and hands-on exposure to the most common brands in our industry.

Our Introduction to Automatic Doors class is an affordable and effective way to start your training and advance your career in the field.

Cost - $525

Upcoming Classes

Register for Quick Start Level 1 Class - 4.5 Days

Hospital, Airport, Construction, Automotive, Oil & Gas, etc.
Make Check Payable To: Door Controls USA Mail To: Training Dept., Door Controls USA, Inc., 321 VZ County Rd 4500, Ben Wheeler, TX 75754