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DC One Sliding Door Retrofit

With half the total cost of a new sliding door replacement, the DC One Sliding Door Retrofit kit is an economical and time-saving way to resolve your service issues. The DC One helps to extend the lifetime of door packages that have been clad with expensive materials, such as stainless steel or polished brass.

DC One Kit

When you simply do not have the budget to replace a door, the DC One can immediately provide an economical and reliable solution.

► Receive $100 with the purchase of a DC1 sliding door retrofit kit with core return.

►Helps to eliminate repetitive failures

► One-year warranty

► Meets or exceeds current ANSI A156.10

►2017 safety standards

► Available technical support 24/7/365

► Retrofits all major brands of sliding door operators

► No demolition to existing door

► Quiet, reliable, and safe operation

► In stock for immediate shipment


► Character display

► Fully compliant for speed, force and time delay requirements of ANSI A156.10

► Quick and easy installation and troubleshooting with onboard diagnostics

► LEDs to indicate input state

► Reuse existing header and panels

► Same-day shipping available

► No handheld programmer required

► One-man installation

1,263 Units Produced 2021

1,331 Units Produced 2022

1,533 Units Produced 2023

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